Both above and below were my homes while traveling in Boston. The 23rd floor of the Boston Marriot during the day, and Fenway Park each night. I wrote 12 pages of notes from the Nuclear Information Technology Strategic Leadership (NITSL) conference which was really great, but don't plan to write that much in the blog. Although there were some pretty funny IT guys at this meeting, telling some really hilarious cyber security jokes like "Did you hear about the two process computers that met up behind the data diode? Yeah, they called it a BLIND date". lol ;)
My first glimpse of Fenway from Landsdowne street. Only about a 20 minute walk from my hotel, couldn't wait to get there. Sold out crowd, but I had ordered a ticket about 1 month back. Great seat behind the plate just under the overhang. Great game. This was the first time that Youkilis (3B - white sox) had played at Fenway since being traded away from the red sox. The crowd loved this guy, and cheer when he came to bat in the first, cheered as he singled to left, then exploded with applause as he scored shortly afterwards. The Red Sox tied it up at 1 after the first and that's where it stayed till Adrian Gonzalez hit a three run homer in the eighth over the green monster. So great. Crowd singing "Sweet Caroline" during the eight inning break was pretty cool. Fenway vs. Wrigley...Fenway wins.
Kinda spoiled on this second night. A vendor treated us to an initial get together on the Green Monster (37' high wall in Left Field) during the white sox batting practice. One ball came to our group, but many were crushed over us into Landsdowne Street. I tried to get lots of pictures (Mark: I thought you would like the one taken straight down at the warning track from the top of the Monster). After batting practice we saw some of the stuff "backstage" at the suite level...including jerseys from the Babe Ruth era...and the foul pole from the famous Carlton Fisk homerun. Then we made it to our seats at the Right Field Lounge.
I caught a picture above of a local candy shop near Fenway...Sweet Carolines. :) Below are pictures from the Right Field Seats. I think I caught a picture of where the Davis' front row seat was if I understood their description correctly. I have also capture our cool crew that made it to the game. Seats were pretty good, personally I like being closer to the plate, but the all you care to eat seats, bucket o candy at each table, and cool right field breeze on a nice night...OK, I guess it was acceptable. Had a great time even tho Boston lost
Wednesday night, and lots of rain, but it cleared up around 6:00PM. I had decided to go to a local bible study that said it was on Boylston Drive. That was only one block from my hotel, so I figured I would just see what time it was after the study and make a last minute call on the ball game. I didn't have a ticket anyway. Once I got to Boylston (which actually runs right into Fenway, I found out that the bible study was 7 blocks in the opposite direction. But the bigger thing was that it was 7 blocks away, and I thought I was much closer. Anyway, I had to speed walk and only was a couple minutes late. Great study in Romans. Got to meet a brother from Athens, AL that is preaching up there.
Got out of the study, and I guess there really was never a question, I started my 40 minute walk to Fenway. Got a few pictures of a church and the Boston Commons area during my treks, but Finally found Fenway during the fourth inning...sold out more tickets. Walked all the way around to Yawkey street before I found a scalper. He showed me his best ticket...
Scalper: Here It Is, Best Seat in the House ($94 face value, he was right, I knew twas a good seat), Make me an offer
Me: It's the fourth inning man, I'll give you twenty.
Scalper: You serious, I was selling these for $150 before the game. I'll go 40.
Me: Fourth inning, I'll give you 20, com'n, help a guy out from Alabama just trying to get in Fenway
Scalper: Can't do it man
Me: (walking away)
Scalper: OK, I'll do 30.
Me: (Still thinking 20 is what it's worth, but hearing the crowd cheering over another run in bottom of the fourth) OK
And this seat was REALLY GOOD right between third and home about one section closer than my seat the first night. Sweet.
My marriot office above with the new favorite SanPellegrino Aranciata drinks. So good. I finally made it home, and you can guess what my first duty was...presents. Everybody got something, and still waiting for Mom to start wearing her Red Sox. Game were great, but wonderful to be back with my family. Missed those hugs.
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