Friday, July 13, 2012

Lego Competition and Day out with John and Shee'

The day of the Lego Competition had finally arrived, but since Magan had a doctor's appointment, we would be unable to take the boys to the competition.  But John and Shee' came to the rescue and watched the kids for us this day.  Sam had been working for weeks on this house with multiple levels, a lego man on top, a bridge to a yard that spelled LEGO.  How cool is that?  But in this large house, there was no windows.  John asked him about the people inside and how a window would help us see what they are doing.  Sam easily explained that "the guys inside already know what they need to be doing".  That kid is a crazy building fanatic.  Davis also built a car for the competition. Davis also builds alot, but ends up wrecking all of his creations during playtime.  Davis was concerned when they dropped off their competition entries asking the man at the counter "Where are the 2 year old entries?" because he wanted Belle to be able to enter the contest.  The competition was at the North Shelby Library, and judged by local experts from the LEGO SHOP in the galleria.

I told John that the best place to take them on a hot hot day is INSIDE.  And to iJump they went.  John, not knowing the entrance off of 280 was a dead end into iJump, thought he would check it out first before deciding whether or not to go in...then the kids saw it,  and there was no more decision to be made.  Shea'b said that Belle found the ATM, and thought that it would give her some tickets for the games.

And what else to do when spoiling our kids...take them to dairy queen for some ice cream.  I am realizing that we have no evidence that John was even here on this day, but he said he went, so we will take his word for it.

And back at the competition to find out....SAM won HONORABLE MENTION!!!  Woo Hoo!  Great job, Sam.  Mom and Dad were super proud of our little Lego head.  Also super proud of Dave, altho as you can see below, he did not get a special ribbon like Sam.  "The Sword in the Stone" won first prize in Sam's division.

Back at home, it was great visiting with John and his wife.  We did get a picture of what would have been Belle's was a giraffe she told us.  I thought it was pretty good for her.  And later that night we shared a laugh looking at some old pictures and finding a silly face t-ball picture with Davis.  Then seeing his coach behind him always cracks us up.  Now that is a funny face!

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