Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oak Mountain with the Cub Scouts

Sam and Davis were very excited to learn that there would be a cub scout get together during the summer.  And even more excited that we were having it at the BMX bike track at Oak Mountain.  Now that both of them can ride, this was set to be a very exciting day.  Both boys looked a little anxious when peering down at the first hill, which I can say from experience now, is quite a big hill!  The first boys attempting the hill ALL nearly crashed and it was determined that the Scout Dads would "man the hills" to help avoid any crashes.  Sam impressed me, on the first try, he made it down the hill and up the next with no help.  The hill scared Davis too much, but he is a trooper and pushed his bike down the hill then rode the whole course...just veering around the hills. 

Belle and I took to the middle of the course where we could see all of the action.  Belle and Andrew George had a good time playing on the grandstand.  There is no telling how many times Sam rode around and around.  For a kid just learning to ride, he became a master pretty quick.  He did have some really rough crashes too, but shook it off and kept going.  Mr. Dirk let me borrow his bike, and I got to ride the course a couple of times.  Pretty fun, may have gotten some air one time.  Sorry, no picture evidence.

After the BMX track, the boys got together for a wiffleball game.  Sam and Davis both did well, both making it to first after a hit.  Sam actually broke the ball in half.  :)  We also found out some bad news.  Sam's best bud Nathan is moving to North Carolina, and I know Sam will be sad when it finally happens right  before school starts back.

After the baseball game, we ate some hotdogs, chips, and cookies, then went out for a 2 mile hike.  This started really fun, but between Belle wanting to walk, then ride on my shoulders, then sleep in my arms, then walk again...I was wore out.  Davis stayed near the front of the pack, but I heard it through the grapevine that he was suggesting to many of the dads that his knees hurt and he really would like a ride on someones back.  :)

And finally back from our hike, our last activity was a sponge war.  the kids loaded up the sponges with water and used them to throw at the other teams.  I caught both sam and davis throwing some, then caught a good picture of Davis after getting nailed in the face with one.  Oh well.  It was a really fun day. 

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