Saturday, December 19, 2015

Chelsea Christmas Parade

Finally a Chelsea Christmas parade with no rain or rain in the forecast.  And the weather was perfect.  Pack 353 again led the parade, and this time, Sam was at the very front.  In the pictures below, he is holding the Pack 353 flag on the left side of the pictures.  It is always fun for the boys to see all their friends and teachers along the parade route. 
When you lead the parade, you also get finished in plenty of time to go back and watch the parade and pick up candy, so that's what Sam and Davis did with some of their buddies. 
Magan hung out near the town hall with many of our church friends.  And the candy is still causing problems around the house.  We finally got rid of the Halloween candy, now all I hear from those girls (or Belle as she is the only one that speaks in full sentences), "Can I have a piece of candy daddy?"  I think the boys just grab it now and don't worry about asking me.  Ha.  Telling Ruby No the other day, I opened the refrigerator, and when I closed it somehow she had gotten two suckers in her mouth in that short time.  Arrghhhhhh! Candy.  

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