Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mom's Birthday

So I called Magan from work on her birthday, seeing if she wanted to go anywhere.  She has this vision of me actually planning something ahead, and I think this vision will come true, but it will be awhile.  Anyway, she had a craving for some BBQ, so we headed to Jim and Nicks.  It started well, but this has been the Fall of the Virus at our household, and Belle quickly became sickened at the smell of slaughtered pig.  So then Magan had to hold her in her lap, then Ruby got jealous and wanted there too, so Magan's potato was just sitting there.  Finally I was able to help by grabbing Belle, but then she had to puke...so we ran off to the bathroom.   No puking, but it was definitely symptoms that we needed to leave asap, so we boxed up our food and came home. 
At the house, all the kids were OK.  Apparently just the smells had hurt Belle, so at home we were able to sing to Magan and bring her the banana pudding she ordered earlier as her birthday cake.  As for that "Pig in the Potato Patch", Magan said it tasted pretty good for breakfast the next morning.  

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