Monday, December 21, 2015

Heading to the Holidays...

Wow, this is a mess of pictures we have taken leading up the Christmas holidays. 
Just a few short stories....
Sam was working on his math homework the other day, and using his mom's calculator to check his work.  Magan said that there was one problem that he was having some trouble with over and over again, but finally after calculating it a fourth time, he called out to here "MOM, your calculator is broke".  I've got dibs on using that in a bible lesson.  haha...I just love the confidence in his work. 
Davis was in class the other day when his teacher was talking about all the things we have to be thankful for, and she mentioned a child in her school classroom did not have running water.  Davis interrupted her story to ask "Why?"  She explained that their family did not have money for that.  Davis, said "Well how much is it?  I have some money."  Sweet kid.  We are trying to find out how we and Davis can help.
 I heard Belle humming Holly Jolly Christmas song, and so I figured I would join in.  I started singing, "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, its..." She quickly interrupted me.  "Dad, its Harley Charley Christmas"...And that it has been in our house for the remainder of the season.  :)
So Ruby still talks in random sweet words and sounds, that make the whole family just sitting around smiling at her most times.  The rest of the time we all just watch to see what she will do next to make us laugh.  During prayer time, I always call of the kids in the order that they should say their prayers each night, and when I do, she apparently has decided that is her cue to start barking orders in some strange (perhaps Polish) tongue.  Of course we all laugh, and our constant clown just giggles at us, then barks out some more orders to get us all laughing again.  She also wears sunglasses all day and likes to take selfies with random camera shaped toys.  Funny funny girl. 
Some pictures below of our friendly mischievous elf Christopher and his many adventures around our house.  Lots of pictures of class Christmas parties.  We saw Pan and the Peanuts Movie at the theater.  Had a fun Nerf battle in the backyard.  

Baby Selfie

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