Saturday, September 17, 2016

And even more...Around the House

So Sam is our egg maker most mornings during the weekend, but this weekend, he let Ruby help him out.  There is also a picture below that Belle drew of her trip to Granddaddy's where he drove her around in the tractor. 
And that little Ruby and her purse are one thing...that girl and her lip gloss, now that is a pair.  She just has to have her lip gloss, and makes sure she applies it almost every minute.  Enough to where we had to take it away, leaving her heartbroken, until it finally comes back to her, and she is at peace once again.

We had a fun trip to Vulcan with the kids, as magan was shooting the SUPER GIRLS shoot.  Ruby was hesitant to sit on that big Vulcan's toe, as it was stinky. 

This is what 60 cases of popcorn looks like when you are the Popcorn Kernel. 

And this is what it looks like at our house prior to a consignment sale...this is basically our attic pulled down into our hallway. 

So I am sure Marcia will not approve of this picture ending up in our blog, but also fairly confident it was not be made known to her for quite a while.  So we picked up the kids from her house after our trip to Nashville, and I saw this in the bathroom.  Just couldn't help snapping a picture.  Too funny!



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