Fifteen years of married life to my brown eyed beauty...and while we can't afford Hawaii, Nashville has become our little paradise retreat. Dropped the kids off at grannys, and they got to spend time with family in Cullman, while we went up to the music city. I have come to have some high standards for the folks at Marriot, so when I book a traditional room, my expectation is that they upgrade me to an atrium view. And at the front counter, I realized this was an extremely busy weekend (Labor Day weekend...apparently some tattoo and bearded man conventions) when they said they only had a traditional view room. WHAT, I did not come up here to look at a parking lot out my window...I need a balcony with some waterfalls...that is what I thought, but what I said was more like..."Really, Are there any atrium rooms coming up later? And a higher floor would be better..." Ha, then I was given a selection of atrium view rooms coming up in an hour...and I selected the garden one which is very quiet, but later was aggravated because we had never stayed in the largest Delta atrium area...But when I got to the room, we hit the jackpot...Delta Atrium room and balcony. Boom!
So while Magan was feeling much better than the last time we were here when we actually had to visit the Urgent Care on site...she was still not feeling well. I hit the spa while she rested. Later that night we went over to the Backstage Grill to hear some local country group (Brassfield Aly) cover a lot of songs. Not the same as the Grand Ole Opry, but was a pleasant change from our normal routine. On the next morning we went to a local church, then headed back to the hotel to go lay out by the pool...we are so old...and ha magan was laying out in capris and a shirt, and I just went to the bar to read my book. Magan just wanted to get some sun...after that we both hit the spa, and this being Magan's first experience, I think she was in love. ha...nice to be pampered every once and awhile, and we enjoyed it. After that we went to the movies to see "Hell or High Water", which neither of us really knew anything about, but ended up being a great movie. Then Magan talked me into buying some shoes that I ended up taking back the next day, because I am cheap, and hate so much to spend money like that on shoes. And she knows she was right as it was a great buy, and I never buy shoes I like, and I had two pairs that I really liked, and why is she always right.
The next morning had us actually hitting the spa one last time before we finally decided it was time to get back to real life and our sweet kids. The rest of the pictures below show that they really didn't miss us all that much, and loved getting time with their family. Random other thoughts that may spark some memories of this trip when me and Magan are old and senile...Free tickets to the Jungle boat, but we showed up late...Out of the Ooey Gooey butter cake, but they found more...Mall closes at 7PM on Sunday, WHAT!...Real Coke at the theater, so nice...even Magan complained about our waitress at macaroni grill...
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