Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Davis Field Trip

Magan is already talking about how many field trips she has left with D.  And with Ruby at the Zoo with Aunt Katie...she got to be a chaperone with Dave's trip to the sloss furnaces and Vulcan park.  Davis is a constant YouTube video watcher, and it is usually of crazy stuff like what they learned about how the molten metals were used to make these shapes.  He was telling me a bunch more stuff about this, but I didn't remember all of it.  He loves learning about all these new things. 
And I think Davis also knows his sweet mom misses him, so during lunch, she found him way out away from everybody else, except for the cute little girl in the picture below...and she asked him Why he was way over here?  He told her because it is more quiet for us.  Altho, maybe it was the cute little girl.  Anyway, he is a sweet kid, and melts his momma's heart.  

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