Saturday, December 10, 2016

Around The Holidays

So a few stories, then some pictures...
Dad: ...BURP...
Belle:  DAD! Your burps stink
Dad:  Sorry, probably smells like mexican...
Belle:  No, it smells like barf.
While playing with some legos and finding a lego man with a Harry Potter clothes, I told the kids "Hey, Harry Potter".  Belle laughed and said, "No, that is Lego Harry Potter with a mustache".  Yeah, Harry Potter took a long time in the eighth grade, I said.  The belle puzzled me with the reply..."He's like Harry Potter from the 80s". 
As I was putting Ruby to bed one night, and trying to find her sister because it was time for bed, Ruby informed me of what Anabelle was...Not thinking I heard correctly, I asked her to repeat...She then slowed it down for me "Anabelle is a stupid butt".  I am sure this is from her "bruders", but is what quite funny. 
Ruby as you may see below is not really sure of Santa Claus.  He is a little scary.  But she told Magan that she wanted a Star Wars Rey for christmas, then more to herself, but out loud to Magan, "Santa Claus not scary, he's nice".

Found a cheap new vehicle, so lots of pink now in our garage...but I found them the other day both in the cars, not riding them, just listening to the radio.  Girls....

So maybe you can play dress up with princess stickers. 

So we have ONE in our family that loves sushi...

And one in our family that loves grabbing the butter...

Sam left us this Fall for a couple of nights with all of the 6th graders for PAL.  Project American Life...I don't know, ask Sam.

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