Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas at Home

Another Christmas down...Belle wrote the cute message for Santa "Merry Christmas Santa, I love your presents every year".  Kids, you should know that this holiday stresses a frugal/cheap/thrifty dad out!  And any smiles during the holiday season should always be attributed to your mom.  But looking through these pics below, the smiles make me happy too, just hope there are less dirt bikes wrapped up next year.  Davis, you better hug yo mama for that one. 
The kids all exchanged gifts a few nights before, and they are all really sweet about what they pick out for each other and me and mom.  Of course Davis' big gift was the dirt bike, and I think Sam's favorite was the siting on my dining room table awaiting the charger we left at Granny and Grandaddy's, and Belle had more clothes for her Bitty Baby, and Ruby squealed when she opened a singing Moana doll.   Dad got some new Olukai shoes, which fit in well with the Moana theme, and my Maui dancing.  And mom had the flipper blanket, and a Roomba to clean up after all this mess.  

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