Thursday, December 22, 2016

McWane Christmas Visit

Just got to get these kids out of the house every once and awhile, and McWane is usually one of our trips during the Christmas break.  Itty Bitty Magic City is a hit for the girls, and the boys like the time on their own to visit.  Ruby actually waited in the zip line all the way to getting on the seat, and when she slipped just a bit, that was enough, she did NOT want to go down the zip line.  But the train was fun, and Davis and Belle kept timing it so they could be in the front and ring the bell the whole time.  After McWane, we visited Pazzo's pizza where we ordered the 32" giant pizza.  And there was an even larger one if you wanted the 38".  More for the experience, the pizza was great for the kids.  I think we still have some of this in our fridge as I write this blog in the new year...probably time to through that out.  

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