Friday, March 17, 2017

Princess Party with Mrs. Laura

Our newest friend at church, Mrs. Laura, invited the girls over to make heart shaped cookies and paint toe nails, and our girls ate this up.  Magan said that Mrs. Laura had this all set up very well with special plates and princess punch.  I believe they also listed to Disney princess songs all night.  "Mrs. Laura's daddy" Landry was there also trying to focus on a wresting championship match on the tv, and he was a good sport with these little princesses, chasing them back into the kitchen when they invaded his space (with the girls giggling the whole way).  Ruby, who has very little words in her nightly prayers, has added Mrs. Laura to her set of friends, and she is the first one she tries to find each Sunday.  So happy to have friends like Mrs. Laura and her daddy Landry Lyle. 


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