Friday, March 10, 2017

Montgomery Zoo

Our 2nd annual trip to Montgomery to visit the zoo prior to my half-marathon on Saturday.  We love the Birmingham zoo as it is our home zoo, but becoming clear that it may be in the bottom tier of all zoos.  :)  But the Montgomery zoo, has the cool skylift and some excellent viewing areas for the animals.  Magan is probably mad I missed the picture of her and Ruby turning towards us. 
In the parakeet area, all were excited  to feed the birds, but when the bird started attacking Magan's head, she was very excited to get out of that area.  One bird grabbed Sam's stick and walked off with it.  I did also catch a picture of little Ruby "killing those spiders (ants) dead"...which she likes to do.  And my favorite picture is of the girls with flowers in their hair...with Davis.  He cracks me up in that picture. 
And then later that evening, after Magan's favorite meal at Wintzells, we went up to the swimming pool to the COLD COLD water.  Magan and I were not looking forward to this, but our plan was to just keep our feet in the hot tub, and watch the kids.  Then Belle jumped in and panicked and could not get back to the I go with my shoes on...and into the COLD COLD water.  Oh well, did I forget to mention at this point I realized I had forgotten the key to our room, so I had to go back to the lobby shivering in my swimming suit to get a card...and getting a key to the room with no ID was also fun.  And I also caught the boys doing a double cannonball into the pool.  

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