Saturday, May 27, 2017

May Flowers...

Wow, lots of pictures...haven't blogged for over a month!  So we have below some school trips and movies the kids have seen.  Ruby came to my work to see the baby hawks out my window in the trees.  Davis was a zookeeper and Belle was a mommy for Career day.  Noah graduated high school, and we had an excellent lunch at Top Hat, then later Belle used the seat belt to hold up her head while sleeping.  One picture from the Drone as sam flew it high above the house.  And a little "guy" that Sam made for Ruby.  And many pictures of the girls new furniture in their room that Magan wanted to make sure were in the blog.  The applebees menu has Ruby's first drawings of her mom and herself.  Davis and Sam went and cooked some meals at the Ronald McDonald house.  Sam earned his 2nd class Scout rank.  Belle was voted most likely to be a teacher one day by Mrs. Kurtz.  Mother's day dinners at Mt. Fuji and Habenero's.  Anniversary picture at Chuck E Cheese.  Boys started whittling again.  Belle makes matching necklaces for me and Mom for our anniversary.  

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