Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tooth Fairy tales...

Belle had been trying to lose this tooth for a LONG time, with it basically hanging out for a week.  But it finally came out, and Dad was out of town in Dothan.  This was a unique situation because Dad is always the one to tuck the kids in bed, and remind them about the tooth fairy coming.  Belle was so excited and even washed her tooth because she thought she might get some extra money.  :)  Dad reminded mom...multiple times...from facetime of when the tooth fairy usually comes, but that next morning the tooth fairy had forgotten to come (It seemed).  And with tears in her eyes, Belle came crying to her mom the next morning (MOM!).  Quickly Mom ran to Belle's room to "see if the tooth fairy had indeed come" and that's when mom found the bag of coins and little note below.  Crisis is back home and can try and ensure proper process for later.  

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