Friday, May 26, 2017

Peavine Falls with my Girls

So Magan had a photo session on this morning, so we packed a bag with snacks and went off on our hiking adventure at 9:00 AM.  I mention the time because Anabelle had a Tea Party birthday party at 4:30 PM, and kept rushing us all day just so she would not miss any of that party.  Even after reminding her we had PLENTY of time, she was worried all day we would not make it back.  "Miss Daddy...Miss Daddy...Can we go to the park" Ruby was asking today also, so cute that I hate to correct her.  She also sweetly uses "little" to describe everything now..."Did you hurt your little toe, Daddy"..."Can you wash my little back?"...
Anyway, on the way down, first time for my "little" Ru, I got her engaged on the hike by looking for the next trail marker, and she was constantly talking about the next one, and constantly screaming when she found it.  My Belle is a trooper, and has made this hike a few times before, she enjoyed finding different ways to get down the rocks to the falls.  While this was Ruby's first time, and she screamed and wanted me to hold her every time she saw a piece of gravel. 
Last summer during the drought was our last visit and it was more like Peavine drip, but pretty good falls this trip.  We enjoyed taking our shoes off ("It hurts my little feet) and walking thru the cold water at the pool at the bottom of the falls.  Anabelle found several little lizards like the one in the picture below.  Just a wonderful day with my girls.  ...and two other funny Ruby lines from the day..."Dad, you hair is sweaty" when riding my shoulders back to parking lot...and she now calls ants "ant bites". 


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