Sunday, October 14, 2018

AHG Campout at Tannehill

Add two more nights camping for the Junkin girls, they are becoming pros on that big queen size blow up mattress.  :)  I love these weekends with the family, and we could not have asked for better weather.  So the campout planning was assigned to me, so working with one of the other moms, we came up with a  really fun agenda that included a night hike through the Halloween decorations, soap carving with the Tannehill woodcarvers group, visiting the steel museum, eating ice cream, geocaching, and of course smores and campfires. 
Camp Memories...Waking up to find Ruby sleeping across Magan and Belle...Davis and Rinoa leaving the whole group during the night hike and upsetting Magan...haha Ruby with a bad attitude one day, I asked if she needed a nap, and she said yes, then went and took a 2 hour nap in the tent...Anabelle and Magan with a wonderful AHG version of "The Greatest Showman"...Sam reading with his headlight...Ruby finding the first geocache (even tho she knew where they were all at from previous trips, and after I told her to let them find it), and after finding the geocache seeing her big smile and she let me know "They all gave me high fives!"...Ummm, the bathroom was about 1 mile from the campsite, so the moms were not real happy with that part of the planning...Tacos in a bag was a great supper...Makayla and Anabelle carving soap and winning the "Most enthusiastic Soap Carvers" paper plate award...Magan having to leave and take Davis to his football game early on Saturday of the campout weekend, but making it back for lunch...Davis never around, always on his bike, and did I mention never around (look at pics, he was really never around...don't know where he was half the time)...
Looking forward to the next AHG campout...but I will probably have to plan that one too...hmmm...I should probably already have this on my list...


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