Monday, October 8, 2018

Ave Maria Grotto with MawMaw

The kids had the day off from school, and we were wanting to have a fun day with MawMaw, as we haven't seen her in awhile, and all worked out for a fun trip to the Ave Maria Grotto.  It has always been the place in Cullman that has brochures, but I had never been there.  We had Stella and Eli with us, and met MawMaw at the Grotto for our visit. 
From the website...Known throughout the world as "Jerusalem in Miniature," is a beautifully landscaped, four-acre park designed to provide a natural setting for the 125 miniature reproductions of some of the most famous historic buildings and shrines of the world. The masterpieces of stone and concrete are the lifetime work of Brother Joseph Zoettl, a Benedictine monk of St. Bernard Abbey. Begun as a hobby, with various materials he could find, and infinite patience and a remarkable sense of symmetry and proportion, Brother Joseph re-created some of the greatest edifices of all time.
We all had a good time and the grotto was pretty neat to visit.  Not something you need an annual pass for, but if you happen to be in Cullman meeting your great grandmother, and happen to be at the Ave Maria Grotto, then I would suggest trying it out. 
After our visit, MawMaw brought a picnic lunch that was about a good a spread as you could have ever asked for in a picnic.  We had the good thick sliced ham, tomatoes, lettuce, cookies...and some recently purchased Monk Bread.  Magan had to leave us a little early to take pictures for Katie and Mark, but it was nice to sit and watch the kids explore the trails and play tag while enjoying the day with MawMaw.   


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