Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Trick or Treat...on Halloween this time

Halloween was on a Wednesday this year, but the kids still wanted some of the traditional trick or treating, not all this liberal hippy trunk or treats, so Magan took them down to Columbiana where they did the monster walk with games...before finally getting to knock on doors and request candy, and if not presented with candy, we had eggs and a "turd in a bag" ready for tricks.  I don't know who the baby in the parachute was, but magan took the picture, and I liked the picture, so it is now part of our family memories forever...After church, the kids went over to a haunted trail in one of the neighborhoods...Magan said that she and Ruby went in with the scare level turned down low and they were still frightened.  And as always at the end of the day is candy trading...but each one of them as they found it, brought me a butterfinger...cause they know its my favorite.  Sweet kids, I wouldn't trade them for a bag of butterfingers...two bags and maybe I would trade one.  I won't say which one, but Dave knows who it is.  :)


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