Saturday, August 3, 2019

Georgia Weekend - Babyland Hospital

I don't think I mentioned that our hotel in Atlanta only had two beds, so Sam and Davis brought their scouting mattresses.  They were good sports about it, but did kick the girls to the sofa bed during our next night in Lavonia, GA.  The girls did not get any souvenirs at the braves game, because we told them the next day was for them...and it was a fully girly day at the Babyland General Hospital in Cleveland, GA.  This is the home of the Cabbage Patch dolls, and I think Magan goes into nostalgic dreamlike trance with the girls here.  It is really super sweet how they have everything set up, and we told the girls they got to pick out whoever they wanted to adopt ensuring they chose the plastic faced ones that had more reasonable "adoption fees". 
Ruby chose a cute little baby girl, and named her Elizabeth Jane Junkin, and Anabelle surprised us by getting a baby brother to go along with her big girl she got last time we were here.  Anabelle's little boy was named Samuel Benton Junkin.  Magan and I were very happy to be grandparents of these two little ones.  We also were there to see mother cabbage give birth to a little baby girl...and Ruby stood in line to hold the newest baby at the hospital.  The babies come out after making sure the cabbage leaves are a full 10 cm apart, then a shot of Imagicillin.  Pretty cute little set up they have here in Cleveland...and who knows, we may have one more time here with Ruby...and if not, maybe one day we can bring a real Elizabeth Jane. 
After babyland hospital, we drove into Helen, GA, and it was a fun little town with a German theme.  We first hit Muller's Fried Cheese Café, where we finally found some german food that magan liked.  This is always a treat for me and Sam...Wir lieben alles die Duetsches essen.  And I just ordered a little of everything for us to try...and everything was super gut!  Including the chocolate cake and apple strudel for dessert...ummm, not a cheap lunch, but it was amazing. 
We ended our day back in Lavonia, GA.  We were able to get a little swimming done at the pool, then  met up with MawMaw and Tera at the Cracker Barrel.  We also came hope and played with Flat Sammy.  It was a lot more funny at the time...or maybe it was just funny to me...

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