Saturday, August 17, 2019

More Adventures with Sean of the South

Reading Sean Dietrich is like putting on a warm blanket on a cold night.  It just makes everything feel good.  He makes me laugh, makes me cry, and treats everyone like family.  Last year I came to his show on my own, and was happy to bring Magan this year.  Next year I am hoping Mrs. Barbara Baker from church can be my date because she loves his writing as much as I do.  We have laughed and laughed at his words in the foyer.  But on this night, he played some music and told us some good ole country stories.
He told us about Anna Goodlin and solo skating with him holding hands with her...because he brought her some big tomatoes...We laughed as he described the pot luck after a sunday service...wish I could remember the words he used for Miss Bessie's fried chicken...He told us about how a yankee accent was a good birth control....told us about having to take it for the team and come forward 8 times when they got to the 14th verse of Just As I Am...about having the deacons in charge of smelling breath, and letting the preacher know where the people he needed to preach to were...Haha, he told us about how he always had to wear Husky Brand, the brand actually named for being husky...and about his buddy serving Country Crock at the dinner table, a fitting name for that stuff. 
And after the show, Magan was waiting for me in the restroom, and she started talking with these cute little kids...that were Sean's niece and nephew that are often in his blogs.  And we also got to speak a little with his sister who shows up in many of his stories.  Just one of the coolest guys to go see.  Hope I can see him again before next year in Columbiana.  Now I have a book signed by him too...he signed it "To Junkin, with Love". 



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