Friday, March 13, 2020

Before the Quarantine...

As I write this blog, we are currently nearing the end of week 4 of the 2020 Quarantine.  Gas is at an all time low.  The kids are about to play scrabble with me, their dad, and we are cooking at home alot because their are just not that many places open.  It is like a time warp to 1985.  I even saw kids on bicycles today...outside.  And they were talking about the demogorgon...

Well, the pictures below capture the moments before the quarantine...before the 6 feet isolation zones were instituted...when we saw other people and wore clothes different than our pajamas.  So what was happening in these moments before "social distancing" became a common phrase...well, Anabelle was beginning her first season of Volleyball, and she was having a "ball".  Sam and Brandon were leading the Scout Sunday service at the host church.  Ruby was very excited to show us a bracelet that got "UV light from da sun!"  And "guess" what happened?  IT CHANGED colors...and glowed in the dark.  The youth group at church had a picnic and work day at the building.  The AHG girls learned about cooking and sewing.  Davis went on a field trip with the band.  Sam went on an Engineering field trip to Auburn (2 hour wait for chickfila).  We went to a bluegrass concert "Big Canoe Creek" with our friends in the band, Mark Wylie and Joe Smith.  And the girls went to a tea party.  

Times are different now, but we can see the pictures of before and know that other people exist outside our homes...I caught a glimpse of one the other day out of my front window, but quickly shrank back when it looked up at day we may once again enjoy the physical renderings of those 2 dimensional faces that we have grown accustomed to on zoom and skype and facetime...but not least not within 6 feet.  

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