Friday, March 27, 2020

Hike to King's Chair

Davis and I completed this hike in December, and I have been wanting to bring the family since then.  And now that we were in a quarantine and missed our planned trip to the USS Alabama, we decided instead to hike 1.8 miles up double oak mountain to "King's Chair".  I took up the caboose position to make sure we did not go to fast for anyone, and our fearless leader up the hill was Ruby.  We did not think anything about this until a snake crawled within inches of her foot slithering across the path right in front of her.  Sam saw it, and Ruby did pretty good, she stopped walking, screamed "snake", then slowly took a few steps back.  We did not get a picture of that one, but it was pretty large.  At the top on King's Chair, we took a few pictures (haha, you should have felt Ruby's hands as she got close to the edge for the pictures...they were soaking wet), then headed back to a shaded spot along the ridge where we had our bible study and rest.  I also found out that 6 bottles of water was not enough for 6 people hiking almost 4 miles...especially when bottle #6 was Magan's frozen bottle she uses to rub on her aching foot.  Davis and I tried the "foot water" and it was fine, but I am thinking again that we should have had more non foot water.  After the bible study, we tossed the frisbee around a little, rested a little (Magan and Belle played a travel game she had brought up in her backpack...and I wish I could have captured the giggles from that little Belle as mom rolled a 1 and 2 every time), then made our way back down.  Ruby has become really attached to big brother Sam, and reminds me often that he will leave for college soon.  She is right, it will be here before you know it, and it's why I try to help them recognize how great each day is, especially right now isolated together.  We are making new memories every day, and this one was another nice one that I am glad we captured.  Oh, and Sam found another snake (pictured below) on out trip back down the mountain.  

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