Sunday, March 29, 2020

Frisbee Golfing (Quarantine Social Distance Activity)

And we have found our favorite activity during the quarantine.  Sam, Davis and I just got back from another round of frisbee golfing on this night as I write this blog.  We are getting better, and now we have two little girls that like to join in the fun.  And we have a picture below that happened directly after the best shot we have seen in all of the trips...Anabelle hit one over the creek on the 18th hole and rung the basket...It was still the most amazing shot I have seen.  Amazingly if you could see how bad we throw these things, that we have not lost a frisbee yet (altho many in the creek, and one in the pond).  We began with the cheap set of three frisbees each from Amazon, and slowly we are building up our Inova championship discs...but we are still throwing them in the woods most times.  I was also excited that one of these trips no one was going with me, so I figured I would just go practice, and both girls said "we want to go" I got to go visit the course with just my girls and we did great...getting a 3 on every hole...playing best frisbee, but that is still some of the best we have ever done.  Belle keeps improving each time, and Ruby just needs a lot of practice, those disks are just too heavy.  And I guess the only other notable thing I remember and probably the girls remember was the naked little boy in the stream playing on the 18th was kind of weird that the dad decided that was the best place to introduce naked creek play to his little boy.  I have really loved this new sport, and more importantly, love getting my crew out in the woods with me.  

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