Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Sam gets his permit

I thought this whole COVID quarantine might help me delay the inevitable by a couple of years, but alas, the DMV opened back up and Sam immediately began asking when we were going to take him for the test.  He has been driving around and around the local EMPTY elementary school parking lot, but on this day of July 1st, 2020, he waiting in line for 4 hours to finally get the permit.  And he even drove home a portion of the way back from Columbiana.  And Magan sounded like she was very close to going back into A-fib during this journey.  Haha...Sam is doing good.  He drove me home all the way from Columbiana the other day (8 miles), and did fine.  I try to remind him how cautious he must be...but wow, this is a scary time, and one that will add many prayers in my life.  


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