Friday, July 31, 2020

Visit with Uncle Colby and Aunt Melissa

I was unable to go with the family on this visit to Colby and Melissa's, so I don't know any stories for these pictures, but I know they had a great time.  Sam and Davis loved the mountain bike rides with Colby, even after an epic crash Sam had that turned his front tire nearly around.  I see that there was some Goat Lord Gaming going on, and that Ben and Davis played some magic.  Apparently there are animals somewhere in that region, and creeks.  

Julying Around the House

A few crazy times over the last month...All 4 kids playing Minecraft in the same world together, somewhat unique, and hard for Magan and I to stop when they are all playing together...lots more swimming opportunities...Belle making dresses for her barbies, and reminding me of myself by cutting out individual paper dolls to play with...Belle's awards for 3 years of Baton...Baby doll masks (so weird)...Mom catching me and Belle singing "Lost Boy" together...Date night while the Bakers kept the kids (Magan and I are going to pass on lamb chops going forward, and those Italian dumplings were NOT good)...Davis went to a woodcarving class, and learned how to make some cool stuff...Frisbee golfing...fireworks...and another Mountain Bike trip (We hit rattlesnake ridge, lake trail, Foreplay, and finished on Mr. Toads...7.5 miles in a couple of hours)
Sam is driving now, and still a little scared at times.  On his first trip up 280, we were meeting Magan and Longhorn for lunch.  We were talking about how hard it is when you are first learning to drive, and we mentioned changing lanes, you have to watch your mirror, watch your blindspot, turn your blinker...then sam said "And also make sure the car is still on the road".  Hahaha...we all cracked up.
Belle was picking up the living room the other day, and grabbed a pair of my shoes.  She asked me where did I want to put my shoes.  I was a little annoyed, because she knows where they go, so I told her to put them up where they normally go.  She smiled and just threw them back on the floor in the living room.  If I wasn't laughing at her cute little grin, I might have been upset. 
Mom decided this month to cook some vinegar for one of her diet meals, and it about caused the whole house to evacuate.  Everyone was gagging and screaming about the smell, then Ruby ran into the kitchen from her room and said "Ugh...Mom is cooking the Corona".
I think I was planning to take the kids to the pool one afternoon, and had some work activities I was trying to finish up.  I told Ruby we would go in about 30 minutes.  Later as the kids were playing and I was still working Alexa starting going off in the kitchen...I told the kids that they had an alarm going off, to go check on it.  Ruby came and smiled, and said NO that was the alarm for Daddy to be ready. 
Similarly, the kids know that there is a break time in the morning where they can not play any games (or as I call them...get off your "screens") and usually it is after noon.  Ruby asked me how much longer till she could watch tv...I said about 30 minutes...How long is 30 minutes she asked...About as long as one TV show...A little grin, then she asked "Can I watch one TV show while I wait?"
And the last story is just another line from Ruby...and I really can't place the story, or how this line came up, but it struck me as funny.  Apparently everyone was going somewhere, and Ruby looked at me and said "Well, Dad's going to get a dump". 
Oh and funny wyatt story from Katie..."Wyatt was asking me when he can date...I said you have to be able to drive first.  He said Sam could date, I said yeah, but I don't know that he's all that worried about it right now.  Wyatt said yeah he's more worried about perfecting his 3D printing skills right now.  Then he can make a girl a ring one day."