Thursday, July 9, 2020

Six Flags with the Boys

So we originally planned to make our first adventure to Six Flags after the reopening on the Tuesday of this week, but we were watching weather and it looked like rain, but it was fine all we decided for Thursday, which also had 50% chance of rain...but we took a shot.  And luckily when we arrived, there was nothing but clear skies.  I actually posted about the trip with the family before posting this one, but the lines on this day were even shorter than with the full family.  On this day, it was really ridiculous in, they had to wait for us to get to the front on a couple instead of us waiting for the ride.  We rode and 14 or 15 roller coasters in 4 hours...and I am pretty sure I blacked out on both the Batman and Goliath.  And as Davis laughed at my picture below, I am pretty sure that even tho I love the twisted cyclone, I was probably near death by the 3rd ride there. 
We were saving our water rides till the end of the day, then around 5:30PM, the lightning and thunder began...which tends to shutdown the large steel coasters quickly...then the rain...then the massive flooding rain...then the wind blowing signs past the souvenir store where me and the boys were waiting it out.  I had gotten a large cinnamon pretzel right before the flood, so we did have a good snack while we waited, but then BOTH davis and Sam said...Dad, I think we should leave.  I kept thinking the rain would stop...but it kept getting worse.  Anyway, we finally decided to head for the car, the park closed at 8, so the boys convinced me we probably wouldn't get any more rides in...even tho that was the joke the whole ride home...every time we came out of a patch of rain, I would tell them...see, if we just waited. 
But while we did not get our water rides, we were completely drenched by the time we got back to the one point on the road, we were walking ankle deep in water...remember this is the six flags that has flooded multiple times.  Oh...haha...I almost forgot the funniest line on our first day of all masks all day...Davis looked up at me and Sam and said...I wish I would have brushed my teeth this morning.  haha.  I remember we also joked about how people no longer had to cover their mouth when they sneeze...just look and sneeze right at you...haha...well it was funny to us.  Belle was originally coming with us on this day, but she backed out at the last minute...I did wish she was sitting in that empty seat beside me on many rides.  But always like the time with the boys.  

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