Monday, July 13, 2020

Boy Scout Frisbee Golf Troop Meeting

I have been trying to set this up since the beginning of quarantine, and glad to get all the boys of Troop 354 together for this event.  Coach Tom Monroe was also able to come and share with the boys some throwing techniques.  The best thing I have heard since this event is 3 of the boys now making it a frequent addition to activities with other dads.  It has been so great for me and the boys, I hope it will be for those other families as well. 
Sam and Davis lead two of the groups, and Sam and Brandon helped me coordinate the groups.  I acted as the "cart girl" delivering waters all around the course to boys that were "NOT PREPARED". Oh well, gave me some exercise and a chance to watch all the boys play...and a chance to see Mr. Jason throw his college Frisbee directly into the pond where I lost one of my favorites.  haha...Davis asked him "Well, why did you do that, you should have thrown it the other way".   I got plenty of steps on this day, but did get to play at the end finishing the course with Sam's group.  Sam showed me a couple of the new throwing techniques Mr. Tom had showed him.  And Davis, Everett, and Aiden were the only three that went fast enough to finish all 18 holes.  I think we ended up with like 24 boys at the meeting.  

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