Saturday, October 17, 2020

AHG Campout - Brierfield Ironworks

Just like everything else, it is hard to get back started after so much shut downs during the COVID situation, and that includes our AHG camping.  We missed out on the USS Alabama battleship overnighter, then on our spring campout.  But we had this one planned and on the books to visit Taneyhill Ironworks on the Woodcarver Workshop weekend, but then as our weekend came up, we had a little hurricane come through with a massive amount of rain.  Seeing that coming, we made some quick changes, delayed out campout for one weekend later, and had to move to the smaller Brierfield Ironworks.  And it was GREAT!   And as the campout coordinator, when months of planning finally end up working out, it is such a great relief.  

On friday of this weekend, the kids were out of school and I took off from work.  So knowing how we pack, I made sure BOTH vans were fully packed and ready for these two nights.  :)  I was able to arrive first on Friday and get an amazing camping spot that Brierfield has for the scout groups.  We had a large field that was perfect for all of our activities.  That Friday we decorated a new Troop Flag (Makayla provided the design) and used the tripod lashing (Lauren) to raise our flag onto.  Since I am horrible with preparing food, Magan brought some Milos for Supper.  

Our saturday agenda included some breakfast of donuts and bagels.  Anabelle toasted some bagels on the fire and it was actually pretty good like that.  The girls began with our own wood carving event where I showed off some of me, Sam and Davis' creations, then let each of them make their own soapcarvings.  And while I scared me a bit, I allowed about 5 of the older girls, including Anabelle to work with the real knifes on some wood.  They did great, and there were no cut fingers that I was told about.  Anabelle made some pretty hair for hair wood carving.  

Our next activity was a hike through the woods, where Robbie taught them how to mark the path with different sticks to help them remember which path they had taken.  And we also were able to find some geocaches on our hike.  The girls found two geocaches, one that was a military ammo box, and another that was a micro-cache hidden in a magnetic key box.  Ruby also got to hold a snail that had found its way into the geocache.  Prior to starting this hunt, the girls had all got to make their own geocache kit...which was fun for me.  

After lunch, and some much needed play time at the park area (much needed for them, they were tired of learning and wanted to just play and spin).  But then later in the afternoon, we had the girls in three different groups, constructing an obstacle course, performing an orienteering course, and learning some knots with Mr. Steve.  I had fun leading the girls on some orienteering skills, but my favorite part of this day was watching the explorers create the obstacle course.  They worked together, elected leaders for different portions, democratically selected the rules and paths on the course...just fun to watch these girls working as a patrol.  

Later that night we had a troop dinner of tacos in a bag.  Then the girls did a night hike to some of the decorated RV areas, and a fun campfire story time.  From the pictures below I am forgetting that Belle used her Unicorn (So Fluffy) with a light in it to read her book.  Ruby was one of the fastest on the obstacle course, mainly by just not following any of the directions and doing whatever she wanted.  I did get a good nap on Saturday afternoon.  On the hike, the girls were amazed by a "floating leaf".  Ruby learned how to start a fire.  I got my shadow picture with the tenderheart group (Helen, Ruby, Lauren).  And Anabelle put up her own tent and slept by herself for the first time at this AHG campout.  

Sunday morning we woke and Magan led the girls through a worship time.  Then we handed out the paper plate awards, which always make me happy to see those smiling faces as they accept their silly plate award.  This year, even Magan and I got a paper plate award.  I had fund with the little ones telling them about the picnic table tree when they couldn't figure out where the picnic tables had come from, and then getting mixed up with Helen, then asking if her mom could tell us apart.  Helen said it was obviously my baseball cap that helped her mom figure out who was who.  Such a fun weekend with the girls...haha...and this was the first time we just left Sam and Davis by themselves at home.  We were not to far, and I had neighbors making sure they didn't see any parties forming at the house.  

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