Sunday, October 25, 2020

AHG Halloween Festival

Our AHG Halloween Festival was a blast this year, and Magan put it together well, since Mt Laurel did not have their festival.  It was a great time for the troop and their families to get together and kickoff another krispey kreme donut fundraiser....oh, I ate too many donuts on this day, but the frankenstein and dracula donuts are amazing!  Ruby-Ru was our sweet Coraline, and she was the best Coraline ever, and probably the only Coraline this halloween across the country.  But she LOVES that movie right now.  Me, Magan and the fairy girls represented the kingdom of Maleficent.  Davis came to help us with the games, altho I think he got tired of being hit in the head with the fishing game.  Anyone need any donuts?

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