Friday, February 19, 2021

Davis Climbs to 14 Years

Fourteen years old and I made sure to have this posted as 2/19.  I think I finally remember it is NOT 2/17.  I should be good on that, it is finally starting to sink in...after 14 years.  Happy Birthday to our Dave.  He has become owner of the streamer responsibilities, and while Magan was up in Cullman on his birthday, he just knew no one would remember him, and he made is own 14 out of streamers.  Sweet kid, he did it because he knew his mom would want his picture with streamers even if he had to do it himself.  Fortunately, Magan reminded me...multiple times...and I knew I couldn't stay up as late as the boys, so I set my timer and did the streamers in the morning for him.  Haha, speaks poorly of me, but he could not believe that I did it, and kept asking how and when Sam had done it.  Later that weekend, the Sartins came to visit and we had a bigger party.  Davis finally got the iPhone he has been wanting, and that is probably the first gift we have bought where we made the kid pay for half (Hey, birthdays have budgets).  

The next day we gathered with a few of his close buddies to go to Highpoint to do some climbing.  It was great, and Davis made some great climbs, even making it up a 58 foot wall at one point.  I was amazed that both him and Sam could do the free climbs upside down, ha, I did catch him right after falling to his back one time.  It was very HARD, I could not get as far as he was getting.  And I don't know how bad my knee will get, but capturing it here as the point that took me out for a full week after tearing something up in my knee.  

Happy Birthday Davis.  Whenever and Wherever this is read, I love our adventures together, and thankful you have found others to help encourage your love of cars, guns, and fishing...cause I love the stories, just can't contribute much.  


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