Saturday, February 27, 2021

Scout Trip to the USS Alabama

So I had a bum knee, and this was the same week as the AHG daddy daughter dance, so I had to skip out on one of my favorite scout trips.  The boys had an exciting trip as usual, but this time on the drive down, they ran into heavy completely stopped traffic near Montgomery, causing their arrival at Blakely state park to be at 12:30AM Saturday morning, and when the boys arrive, they still have to put up their tents, and set up the troop dining flys, and set up the chuck boxes.  The boys told me they got to sleep around 2:30AM.  Ha, and Sam said he just slept no tent, just directly on his air pad.  Davis was in a hammock, and wouldn't you know, they got rained on that night.  

The next day they went to the USS Alabama.  I asked Sam to send me at least one picture of him and Davis together, so I did get that one.  They got in free due to our membership, but they said right as they were leaving the ship for an outdoor picnic, they got rained on again, and had to go eat at CiCis pizza.  They loved that.  Davis told me he had about 10 pieces of pizza.  

The scoutmaster told everyone later at the Court of Honor that the trip home had a wonderful aroma due to some damp scouts, but I think you won't find to many not smiling.  Our boys had a blast, and I wish I could have been with them.  Sam took the picture of the pig's feet, and shared with his troop, so I am sure there is a story there, I just don't have it to record.  Oh, I did ask Sam if he was disappointed they had to leave the ship so soon because of the rain.  "no way, we just played football all afternoon instead".  

And as Sam arrived back at the church, we surprised him with his new car, a 2005 Ford Escape with 229000 miles on it.  So far, we have broke down once, and been in the shop to replace all catalytic I just have my fingers crossed that it will make it a little longer without having to be back in the shop.  


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