Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Snow Day

I am pretty sure there was a time when this looked pretty fun, but it looks terribly miserable now.  I see people post smiley faces, and speak of some beauty when they share their pictures online, but I can only think of eve, her sin, and the horrible season of winter that must have been the direct result of that first wrong decision.  

From Magan's facebook post:  Snowflakes are amazing proof of God's care. The detail within one snowflake is more than I have accomplished in a life time of trying. I don't have the lens I need to capture this as closely as I want but each picture I took was proof that each snowflake is unique and wonderfully made.

Perhaps she has a better outlook on the Devil's white powder, but I am glad the kids had a day off, and I got to enjoy being with them. I was outside for like 5 minutes when I realized the awful temperatures that help promote the white powder. And as Sam and Davis know and read this one day...i hope they still hear me say "When you guys are out of the house, in January and February..." I really don't understand how our family can live up North like they do.


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