Tuesday, May 31, 2022

"MAY"be I didn't love you, Quite as often as I could have...

Another fun month wrapped up and gone, but it was a super busy one.  Followed by a June/July that are even busier.  I have told Magan that I saw a few days in July where things appeared to slow down, but we will see.  OK, a few fun stories, then I will go through the pictures.

One story I should have included with the Coldwater trip was a text I received while planning for it.  We were just trying to figure out which boys were coming and which would not be coming.  So it was a simple yes or no.  Well, one mother mentioned that her son would not be going...and that is fine, but she followed this up IN A GROUP TEXT with "Yeah, Riley has no upper body strength and a weak core".   hahahaha...I quickly replied "burn".  I don't know if anyone else on that string thought it was funny, but me and Sam and Davis were rolling.

And our friend Lisa was over at the house the other day, when Magan accidentally bumped into her, and perhaps there was an inadvertent butt bump or boob graze, which made Lisa laugh.   Then as they laughed about it, Ruby said "It's ok, Dad bumps into mommy like that all the time".   Hahahaha....and while I was not there at the time, I can certainly hear Lisa laughing at that.  :)

Ruby was so excited when she arrived at the house the other day.  She had made it home before the "Capty" bus.  "What are you talking about" Magan asked, and she replied "You know, the Hand Capty bus"

It is really Dave's story to tell, and he does tell it much better, but it is also recreated in the picture below where he is staring around the bed.  He came to bed after sam had fallen asleep one night.  Sam in his sleep woke up thinking it was morning (but he wasn't really awake, as he never remembered any of this).   Davis kept laughing telling him to go to bed, but Sam in his sleep got up and sat at his desk.  Davis finally convinced him to go back to bed.

We had our 21st wedding anniversary this year, and when Magan told me that it was that week, I should have said I had something planned, but I think it came out more like "Oh, that's this week".  She got some flowers that were already dying by the time I got home, and a card that I had signed myself.  She got me a new disney Hawaiian shirt.  She knows that I despise all holidays, which our capitalistic society has declared that we purchase items to reflect love...but it works well, as she gets to put on the pity party mask, and I wear the cynic mask, and we play the roles that are dealt well together.  We do have a getaway in July that I think will suffice for a anniversary event.  

And while I was in Georgia, Magan always finds something to go crazy.   This time was a flat tire in the grey van, which was really not a problem, since I had a rental, and she had the black van in the interim.  But when she took the black van to Walmart, she forgot that the black van WOULD allow you to lock the keys in the car.  Yep, she was stranded at Walmart locked out of the van.  After calling AAA, she realized that she had left the sunroof open, so she asked one of the Walmart workers for ladder and some Vaseline.  Ok, the vaseline is a bad joke from me, but she said the guy looked her over (Magan is not a big woman, but that sunroof  is not a big hole) and suggested they find an alternative.  Which they did, bringing out one of those "Grabbit" devices with the ladder.  The walmart employee then climbed the ladder and was able to hit the unlock button thru the sunroof to get Magan back in the vehicle.  She called AAA, and I hope told them the full story, as it would make a good tale for anyone.

And for the rest of the pics...Top Gun Maverick was AMAZING...the disney world monorail came down from the attic for one more kid to love and play, even sam jumped in and played with little Ru...Davis got his braces off...Movies and meals with our church friends...Dad earns his 20 year anniversary piece of paper with Southern Company (and some nice sunglasses as his award)...Ruby wrote "The story of Cindersmelly" as a golden book, which I believe would be a great fit...One of our sweet grandmothers (Linda Kenwright) at church celebrated her birthday with us...More soupy soup days with Ruby, and she has a new cash register...A birthday free stuff event with Marcia...End of School days...A small group lunch at Ms. Marilyns....the annual girls haircut...and a fun visit from my friend Bella.