Saturday, May 28, 2022

Tumbling Rock Cave with our church Youth Group

 So this was our first time with the Church Youth Group, and it was a hard line to talk up how cool the adventure was without at the same time scaring some people about the dangers within the cave.  But it all worked out where we had 8 youth, 1 young couple, and 4 old folks on this journey.  It was also me and the boys first time (including with the scouts) to try to travel up to the cave and back within the same day.  We all met up at the church at 6AM, and later arrived at the cave around 9:30AM.  

Kendall mentioned that she thought there would be a store with souvenirs and such, and felt a little deceived at the description of this cave.  :)  Sam led us into the cave while I tried to be the group photographer, running to certain positions to capture these images below.  Sam never got us turned around any, even with me recommending certain pathways that ended up getting folks wetter than they had to be (it was my fault).  Jason Aiken was probably the only one prepared to go further into the cave, but we turned around as planned at tumbling rock.  I was proud that this whole group was able to make it into the topless dome, which is quite a feat in itself.  

I ended up being the leader in the back as I tend to end up being.  And I saw the faces of the old folks coming behind me which reminded me of my face on this journey so many times before.  It takes some getting used to, and it takes lots of water.  We stopped on the way in at Wildcat rock pit...turned off all our lights, and sang God is so Good, then offered a prayer to God, then just sat in the dark and silent cave.  I have written about this cave many times...but always leave planning for the next trip back.  I don't think I really like caves...I just like this cave.  It is always a unique experience.  There are still a few areas that trip me up coming areas to improve.  The boys and I ended this day at Good Ole Boys with some porky fries.   Glad to share this journey with yet another group of friends.  Who's next?

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