Sunday, May 15, 2022

Coldwater Canoe Trip

 Another fun boy scout adventure in the books.  Our last time down to Florida for this was 3 years prior, and we visited Blackwater river going 23 miles.  But at this location, we hit the Coldwater river with plans to only go 15 miles.  It was a long trip down on a Friday night light, where we arrived at the campsite near 11:30 PM to get set up.  And apparently the bottom had dropped out leaving about 3 inches of rain in about 1 hour prior to our arrival, so IT WAS WET!   But we made it to the campsite, and got set up for our one night off the river.  

The next morning we awoke as the campsite was beginning to prepare for a 5K mud run that included about 3000 runners.  Which delayed us getting onto the river until about 2PM, but was nice as me and Wade were about to scout out where we would be camping on the river in the morning before we left.  That also meant that we got stuck in all the race traffic trying to get back to the troop.  And also trying to pack light for the canoe adventure, I brought my pillow, but only thought to bring a small sheet, and it was in the 60s at night which is cold for a little blanket.  I did bring one, but let Sam have it as he also did not bring anything.  So my blankie was a towel.  Sam also forgot his swim shoes, so we had to get some at the camp store.  So much for "Be Prepared".  

This was horrible packing and unpacking for the troop, probably some poor communication all around, but first we thought all gear would be on the boats with us, then not, then we needed out water and snack gear, then not....Sam and Davis will remember this was not good planning, and we were just very excited to finally get on the river around 2PM Saturday.  That was alot of waiting around, but the time was passed easily watching all of the 5K runners slide through all the mud.  

On the river, Davis was in a boat with Grant Dabbs, Sam was with Cole Anderson, and I took the front seat with Jason Beneke.  And the funny things that happened included Grant getting nailed by some brush when the canoe got to close to the side (Davis was basically the only one in his boat paddling), and Grant hit the middle of the boat...and this happened twice.   Cole Anderson took the nickname of the "One Wipe Wonder" after some stories from digging a hole on the side of the river.  Davis was apparently the only one that brought toilet paper, and Sam was the only one that brought a small shovel, so their planning helped many in difficult situations.  

There was also the tree swing where Davis did much better on his second try.  And while I don't have a picture or video, it was hilarious to hear Davis talk about Grant basically doing a straight face plant into the water as he forgot to actually try and swing with the rope.   And I grabbed two pictures of Sam and Cole behind me, then forgot that in the front I was supposed to be watching for large debris in the river.  Shortly after those pictures Sam and Cole got to watch me and Jason's boat flip over...which was not fun, as we were wet for the rest of that night.  

We had a great meal of Chicken Teriyaki that night from a bag...and just a nice time to hang out with the boys.  Davis never wears a shirt, as most of the time he is in the water.  We sat back and reminisced of our journey three years earlier...telling the funny stories of Cole Anderson (spaghetti in river, Daddy's Boy to Everett, head first into river after bump from Dirk), remembering the legend of Harley Gerald and the snake, and glad this time we had some cold water and oranges to enjoy that we did not on that first journey.  

We completed 8 miles on that first day through some very shallow areas, often having to walk our boats in areas.  Sunday morning began with a cool devotion by Max Beneke about the importance of water in the bible...we had this lesson standing on the edge of the river.  Then after some eggs and bacon from a bag, and some grits...we found the deeper waters of the river and finished 7 miles rather quickly.  I never saw it, but was told that one water moccasin was seen.  Back on the road, we stopped at a park nearby for some Dominoes pizza, then headed home.  There was some traffic on I65, and whether it was fate or providence, I will not say, but waze had us depart the Interstate at the Priester Pecan exit...and that was just the pecan icing on the pecan pie of a great trip.   

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