Sunday, May 1, 2022

AHG and the Court of Awards

The girls had a final activity being "Girls with Grace" sharing words that describe each of them.  We then learned some Bible Basics with our paint stick timelines, and later the girls did some services hours making cards for ones not doing well.  

And with that, our AHG year has come to an end, but not before the Court of Awards ceremony.  The girls did great, helping pass out the agenda, and participating in the flag ceremony.  The Tenderhearts (Ruby's group) both led the group in the Troop Bible Verse (They use Matthew 17:20...which is the reason they are Troop 1720), and later a skit with a twist on the invisible bench.  This time instead of the invisible bench not being in the right place, it was just recently painted...hahahaha.  Ruby collected all her awards, and that was the smile I got in the pics below, I think she was just a little nervous in front of all.  

Our Explorer group next took the stage, and I informed everyone that we would not being doing a skit this year, but go straight into awards.  Then I started coughing, and could not go on, so the girls did a graphic design stating "Mr. Scott needs help" for me, then told about all of the things they did earning that badge.  This continued with a running theme of Mr. Scott needs help, as each girl shared with the audience what they learned on the badges, but none really helpful to Mr. Scott.  Belle picked World Languages, and just like dear old dad used some over the top hand motions to say that Mr. Scott perhaps has lost his ability to speak in English, then asked me "Necisitas Ayuda" (Do you need help?), to which I coughed out...Si...Amiga.  "There we have it, we have confirmed that he does indeed need help" she finished.  In the end Bella Douglas had to run get me some water, which helped, but then saw all the floaters in it...Where did you get this water, and why does it taste like chicken nuggets...and CUT!  The girls liked the idea the previous week, and I think all had fun performing it.  Then Anabelle collected all her awards

Next came the Presidential service hour awards where both Ruby and Belle earned the Bronze awards.  Then it was time to crossover into the next group for some.  Ruby will be a tenderheart for one more year, but Anabelle crossed the bridge into being a Pioneer.  I loved getting to lead these explorers this year, and hope to stay involved next year as well.  

Magan did an excellent job with her end of year speech, helping all the girls remember the fun stuff they did.  The girls love Mrs. Magan, and she became a hit at the last campout when she used her curler and hair dryer (yep, she brought them to a campout) to style some of the girls hair.  This was her third year leading the troop, and she has down well thru some really fun times and some really hard times.  As part of the Girls with Grace activity, the girls wrote the following words down to describe Mrs. Magan:  Caring, Sweet, Hard-Working, Bubbly, I love her, Kind, Enthusiastic, Passionate, Dependable, Sends you a really cool craft and letter for your birthday, Compassionate, the mom great leader, Amazing, and Resourceful.  


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