Thursday, June 30, 2022

M O O N, that spells June

Is it July already?   Wow, June was a whirlwind of camps, trips, and family visits.  Our family is all in the same house at the same time for the next two days, but I don't recall if that was ever the case during June.  And with a quick scroll through the pictures below, it looks like it happened on Father's Day for us all to be together, but I bet that was the only weekend.  OK, a few of the funny happenings in our neck of the woods, then the random thoughts for the pictures below.

What is playing on Alexa in the kitchen these days?   When Belle is in there washing dishes or baking some new dessert, it is mostly Broadway Showtunes.   Do I love this?  YES, OF COURSE.  Do I usually try and get a dance in, and spin with my Belle?   YES, OF COURSE.  Do I jump in with a verse or two?  Not usually, Belle sounds beautiful, and I would mess it up...but it does slip out during Les Mis or recently "Dear Evan Hanson" songs...but it usually slips out with a messed up lyric or a bad falsetto voice off key.   And for Ruby, it has recently been "Fly like an Eagle" by the Steve Miller band, followed up by more of that band.  I am not a fan, but I just don't know much of their music.   But it is not bad, just strange that the 8 year old has this as her go-to right now.  Davis and Sam typically have their earpods (or whatever those kids call them these days) in listening to audible books (Davis) or 80s rock (Sam).

Ruby had to get two teeth pulled this month getting ready for some new teeth coming in.   And she has gotten very nervous in the past on the dreaded "mosquito bite" shot that was coming.   But this time Dr. Sanchez used the laughing gas on her, and she did much better.  But later she told us, "when I got that gas, the world was going in circles".   She then explained that Mom had turned into Moana, and was singing.  And she was tied down to a row boat in the ocean and couldn't move.   

So while Ruby was at home with me, and all the kids were gone.   I had a sad moment eating lunch with her realizing all these kids will start moving away soon, and told her "Ruby, I am going to build a cage to keep you in so you don't leave me when you are bigger".   She replied with no hesitation "Dad, that's ok, you're not a good builder".   Then she just grinned up at me.  

OK, so what is going on below...Ratcliff sisters go to see Elvis together!...Swim time at the Cullman pool, which was fun, but ended with some craziness (but story for Magan to tell)...the Mac Daddy burger that I must tell the story of, two 1/4 lb patties, jalepeno jelly, 2 pieces of chees, 4 pieces of bacon, and a large block of fried macarroni and cheese...girl night at our house to watch Pride and Prejudice...young lady and mentor gathering at the George Washington museum in Columbiana (Yes, second in size to Mount Vernon)...youth bible study gathering at the Dixons in Columbiana...Sam and Davis get to go to Dude Perfect at the BJCC...Ruby's funky smile after the "Moana" incident at the Dentist...Larkyn turns 16 and gets Top Golf and Baptized...Fathers Day pics...Some George Washington hair in the pool...I taught Ruby and Stella how to smoke candy cigarettes...Souvenirs from Honduras (Thanks Carlos)...And Sam makes another advertisement for the CTEC school in Columbiana.