Friday, June 17, 2022

Ruby's Reading Camp

Ruby is trying to improve her reading score before the 3rd grade, and got the opportunity to go to a two week reading camp this summer to help.  She got to ride the bus each day to school for about 1/2 day, and met a new friend Hannah.   We saw several videos that her and Hannah made each day telling us about the books and stories they had read.  Hannah was pretty funny, and Ruby thought so favorite line of Hannah's was when she talked about the "Peanut Butter and Jelly" sandwich in a hushed whisper.  

My favorite Ruby/Daddy moments during the school year are sitting on the front porch waiting for the school bus to arrive.  And for this camp, it was the same, but her bus stop was at the end of the road, so we walked down their each morning to wait.  On the last day, Magan had fixed a gift basket for her teacher, and as we walked to the bus stop, the weight of the gifts started to rip the bottom of the bag.   So I ran back to get some duct tape and a new bag.   Magan sees these gifts somewhat as a reflection of the perfection that must show on the mask others see, so she was blown away that I had thrown the stuff into the new bag (a pottery barn bag) then duct taped the new bag across the bottom to make sure it doesn't fall out and break.  It worked well, and we did not have to worry about anything breaking that day.  Magan was stressed though "What will that teacher think?  A pottery barn bag with duct tape on the bottom.  Oh My!"   So, needless to say, she did not think the blue bag on my head was as funny as me and Ruby thought it was.   

Ruby ended up liking the camp, even though she was originally very nervous (didn't help that there were storms on that first day).   And she came up on her score 30 points.  Hoping she has a good year this year in reading.  Which reminds me...she probably needs to be reading right now.  

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