Thursday, June 2, 2022

A Gathering of Burketts

We don't get to see Aunt Jan and Aunt Carol near as much as we used to or would like to, so Magan helped set up this gathering, when originally, she had a photo session in Athens on the same day.   Due to some rain in the area, she had to cancel the photo session, but it worked out well to have a longer time to visit with family.  

It was a lot of fun to hang out and eat way too much food...seriously there was chicken salad, zaxbys, bbq, and so much dessert to make me fall asleep shortly afterwards.  Well, I will blame it on that even if I would have fallen asleep no matter what.  We missed grabbing a picture of Troy, who came in and chatted with us for awhile before heading back for a nap.  

While the big kids played baseball, me and Andrew and Ruby played our own game of hit the ball.   And while it seemed a good idea to let my hand be the tee box, Andrew showed me that can be a little painful at times.  I also remember Davis snagging a line drive Sam hit and the subsequent trash talk.  

Inside with the Burkett sisters, we heard many stories of Pop getting away from the Nursing Homes, Pop with a random woman that wouldn't get out of his bed, Pop staring down one lady and saying he wished she would get in his bed, Pop getting thrown out of a Nursing Home, Pop taking Chad's car when he left the keys in it.  Stories fun to watch three sisters laugh together about.  Stories that help me remember his face, remember visits to see him at the nursing homes, but also help me to remember visits in his apartment in Cullman, visits in his apartment in Roebuck, but most of all vague memories of sitting in the porch area at MaMaws and PaPaws....adults probably telling funny stories about their family, but me....I just sat there that glowing purple bug zapper.   ZAP!   There went another one.  

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