Friday, June 17, 2022

Belle's Choir Camp

Belle was excited to participate in this Show Choir camp, I think mainly because she got to have Stella with her all week.  They had to practice at camp each day, for a performance that same Friday.  Their play was "O Chicken of Little Faith", and was a cute little story along the lines of Chicken Little, but with a spiritual message of having big faith in a big God.  They had lines, and choreography, and everything for a full show that Friday.  Anabelle played the "Road", and of course got to deliver a line about the Chicken trying to cross her.  She also had a little road sign that did some jokes about going in the right way.  Stella was the bookworm, and also had some funny lines.  

The presentation on Friday was on a very hot day, and we found out inside that the AC was not working, so the presentation was great, but I think everyone was ready to get outside again out of that stuffy hot room.  Belle said that they had this really small place where they were crowded into waiting for their part in the show, and it was very miserably hot.  But she and stella did great, and we all went to Superior grill for Lupper afterwards.  I have not ever had any issues with the food there, but on this day, the chips tasted burnt, and Marcias carnitas looked like they had to scrap the last of the pork from the pan, and it had a very hot green sauce on it.  Oh well, the El Paso plate was perfect as usual.  

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