Saturday, June 11, 2022

Honduras Mission Trip - Eloisa Zepeda

Introducing our sponsored child...Eloisa Zepeda!  She is such a cutie, right!  

When sam was young, we began sponsoring Pritom Been, who lived in Bangledesh.  It was fun to watch him grow, and send him gifts each year, and read the letters written to us over the years.  But Pritom finally graduated from the program in 2020, and our family decided to sponsor a child in the Campamento, Honduras area, with hopes that one day we might get to visit them while in country.  And I found Eloisa, and fell in love with those big brown eyes.  Her picture we first had is down below.  

This meeting happened on Thursday, right before we were going out to the school.  We were told that some of the sponsored children may be coming by that night, so I was not prepared when Dana came by and said that Eloisa is in the other room if we want to visit with her.  I ran to grab Sam and Davis, and we walked in to find here wrapped in her momma's arms, a little shy with us.  But that didn't last very long.  I had prepared so many things to say to her based on her letter she had recently sent us, but the quick meeting made me forget everything.   She has two cats named Luna and Spaik, two brothers named Keldis and Kelvin.  Her mom does some type of cleaning work, and I don't think her dad is around anymore.  

I was able to tell her how pretty she was, and how much we were excited and happy to see her.  Dana helped translate for me and share with her that Anabelle and Ruby had packed her a backpack full of surprises, and that there were a couple of surprises for her brothers in there too.  Her smile went real big when she heard that some girls had packed her some surprises.  And we had put some pictures of the family in there for her.  We did not have much time, not near what I was hoping, but it was such a joy to give her a hug, and meet her mom.  Dana told us that she was not feeling well today, and that is why they came by early.  We told her we hope she gets feeling better soon.  We waved our goodbyes and ran to jump on the trucks for the school.  What a great day.  And later we found out that she attended the big school we were at the previous day, Clementine!  So maybe we will get to see her each year as we visit.  We have already written her a letter and shared some of the pictures below.  I can't wait to hear how she liked the surprises, and get to share with Anabelle and Ruby her next letter.  

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