Wednesday, October 5, 2022

A friend retires

For about 10 years, I worked with Robert Morgan and Stacy Baskin.   We shared many an adventure together, and had many fun stories.  Then within 1 month, Robert took another job, and Stacy decided to retire.  Stacy began in Roberts job as an IT manager and my peer, then moved over to SNC to be my dotted line manager in cyber security, and finally for the last year my official manager.   His wife, Monica, called us the "Three Amigos", and we both told her that we hoped she didn't hear all the crazy stories of our working together.   Stacy helped me, more than anyone, understand and have better insight into the black community and difficulties they continue to have in our country.   I have done my best to share that with my children, and I hope they can help each generation do a little better in our relationships with different cultures and backgrounds.  

But if I get a chance to speak at an event, I love to have the I was able to give my own fun stories of our working together.  I spoke about how similar our upbringing was...He from inner city Atlanta, and me from the mean street of Cullman.  I spoke about him being a prior hair model (true story), and how he helped me to shape my beautiful head of hair.   All silly, but it was fun to get a few more laughs together one last time.   

The stories I shared included...One time when I first started working with Stacy, and I was in Savannah, GA.   My phone had lost its charge, so I called from Stacy's phone, and Magan quickly suspiciously asked "WHO IS STACY?".   Which was fun, since I also worked with a dude named Kandy.   

I also shared our time when we ate at Chedders, and left without paying the bill.   Stacy thought I had taken care of it, I thought Melissa took care of it, and Melissa thought Stacy took care of it.  

I shared the story of Robert giving me a crazy look because of one of my stupid remarks about the Marines...and Stacy started laughing and got a side stitch laughing.   He could not stop laughing, nor could we, but he was in pain trying to get rid of the stitch.

I did not share our stories of milkshakes on the way to Dothan, leading to one of us sprinting down the hall to our room...nor the story of a bad time with Krystal burgers...nor of our favorite Hotel clerk Chris and her cats...nor of me being mistaken for a middle aged lady in Augusta in a hotel elevator...but there were plenty of memories over the last 10 years.  I am sure our paths with cross again, but my friends are retiring now, so I guess I am getting old.   

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