Monday, October 31, 2022

Somewhere Over October

 So a few stories, then the pictures...

Sam and Magan went towards sylacauga to take senior pictures, and on their way back, they were starving and ran into a random BBQ place that was very busy on the side of the road.   They walked in and were immediately transported back to the 1980s in a Twilight Zonish twist.   Their server had 80s big hair, making Magan ask Sam if they had actually traveled back in time.   Sam replied that they had indeed...using their VanDeLorean.   Apparently the steak was amazing this place, and I was also told that on the way home, Sam was reading Magan her texts and she actually tried to turn up the volume so that she could hear Sam better.   

Along the lines of the Twilight Zone, this is currently Sam's favorite show, and the whole family joined him one night for a terrifying story about a doll named Tina.   Apparently the dad (Telly Savalas) did not like this doll, and wanted to take it away from his step daughter.   The doll did not like this, and started telling him that he better watch out, and that he was going to die.   And I won't ruin the ending, but let's just say that little girl got to keep that doll, but would need a new daddy.   I thought that was the end of this little story, but then Tina (Channeled thru Belle) started writing messages to Magan in the shower when the walls steam up.   Then the messages started going back about the death of Tina.   Somewhere along the lines, Thor showed up in these messages (Magan!) in the shower, as Thor could kill Tina.  I don't know the full story line, but there were some epic Thor/Tina battles.

I shaved for my role during the Trunk or Treat, and the first time Ruby saw me, her first words were "I don't like the look of your face"

Overheard Belle picking on Ruby, and her reply "Don't say that, I am in a bad mood".

While I was away in Georgia one night, I had forgotten to tell Ruby I was away, and she looked at me on Facetime, and in complete surprise said "Wait, Are you at a hotel?".   When I told Magan about having a king size bed all to myself, she replied "You don't need that, all you like is that little sliver you sleep on in our bed"....Hmmmmm....Should I tell her that it's because that is all she gives me.  

So what happened below...Magan and the girls went to see the High School drama play...a lunch date with Ruby....AHG events on lifesaving for Belle, and favorite Books for Ruby...Crazy facetime moments...Meeting with Bob Myhan on the way to Georgia...Bike riding day with Eli...Davis at his normal gatherings with a load of girls...Sam and I at some disc golf, and yep playing two frisbees he beat me by 2 that day shooting a 54 (Wow)...and Sam won Trainee of the Month at CTEC.  

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