Sunday, October 2, 2022

Ruby turns 9

Our littlest turns 9, how can this be?   Davis stayed up the night before helping Mom with the streamers.   Me and MawMaw were able to call her on that morning and sing Happy Birthday over facetime.   I was supposed to be home late on her birthday, and Magan asked her if she wanted to wait to open her presents later...What do you think?   

On her birthday party night, it was a circus theme, and Magan went all out with a full carnival of games downstairs.   She got to have Ansley, Taylor Grace, and Leyton spend the night.   They had a great time, but I will say the pinata was a little dangerous as all the girls wanted to watch closely, while they were also swinging pretty hard with that stick.  I think Magan will remember that the cake was fun with confetti in the middle...but tasted HORRIBLE.  

I watched little Ruby today with her babies, taking good care of them.   I know she will be the best mommy one day.   She still loves her dumbo, and doesn't go to far from that blankie in her bed still.   Me and her have our time before bed, where we read a book, or just be silly together.   I help her with her vocabulary words, and we laugh at her just making noises to describe words, instead of explaining them.   (Ruby:   Do you remember what "widen" means?   Eeeekkk)  

And while she is the baby of the family, I think from what I see below, it is not just mom and dad that latch onto her...she has sister and two brothers that love her much...guess that makes for a good birthday party.  

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