Friday, November 11, 2022

AHG Veterans Day Event

Lots of fun adventures with AHG this month, but the biggest was the Veterans Day event at Sommersby.   The girls take cards and sing for the local senior residents there.   They also had some grommets from recent flag ceremonies to provide to veterans.   The weather was nice this year, and allowed them to visit after some challenging years with COVID in 2020 and rain in 2021.   The girls from our church got to visit Mrs. Elanor and Mrs. Virginia that attend with us.   

But when I asked Ruby and Belle what they remembered most, it was Mr. George.   He was funny and would tell us funny jokes.   He was an Army Veteran that would cut other residents hair if needed.   He told them he charges his customers 50 cents, and always cleaned up his mess.   He was apparently bald and made some jokes about cutting his hair too short.  I love that these girls can make these connections, and have so many opportunities to serve others.  


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