Tuesday, November 1, 2022

CTEC Open House

 This year at the CTEC open house, Sam got to be one of the student hosts.   He also showed off his 3D printed name plate "Mr. President".   He was elected President of the SkillsUSA group that will compete later in the year in Mobile.   Sam has hand another fun year in CTEC, but this first part, he basically became the instructor as they were learning different 3D printers.   His teacher Mr. Hill told the kids that Sam can help if they have any problems.  He is excited about the new semester, as they will finally get to learn PLCs.  This program has been amazing for Sam, and given him a break from the books.   He is in the poster for CTEC below as well.  

Davis was excited to speak with the Automotive Technician teacher, and he has already signed up to begin CTEC next year.  Davis has a friend down the street that will also be in the class, and they both seem to talk all about modifications to their vehicles.  I don't understand what him or Logan or saying, I just nod and whistle periodically.   I am trying to get Belle and Ruby interested, but so far there are no bites.   I really need a nurse in our home, so that is the goal.   But there is also a culinary class and a wood working class...so I still have some time to push them towards a skill.  

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