Wednesday, November 30, 2022

It's Hard to hold the candle, in the cold November Rain

 So what is going on this month...Game night at our house after the Thanksgiving meal after church...I watched this scene from LaLa land another 6 times on a flight to Arizona...Sam visited Lawson State tech college with CTEC...some visits from our cousins...Sam and Davis working in the concession stand and naming the popcorn machine "Two Pop" (I'll let them explain)...Sam works with Max Beneke on some axe making techniques...rattlesnake appetizer in Arizona...Davis behind the wheel of a Porsche...A new bike trail run with Max Beneke...advent calendars distributed (Boys got the Office, and Girls got a Harry Potter one)...the elf is back...and our attempt at a commercial for the new Minute Maid Agua Frescas given to us by Timmy at church....Oh, and the lunch with Ruby, that was crispitos with chili and cheese on top.   Are you jealous?

Perhaps a blog for December, but Max Beneke from scouts is another old soul like Sam, and through some random conversations those guys have connected with axe and knife making.   Max is just a 9th grader, but it is kinda neat to watch that friendship at scout meetings and campouts.   Now Sam has converted much of our garage into his new work area with plans to make knifes.   I think Max and Sam could outwork almost any of those boys in the troop.   They are both busy guys always looking for a new skill.   They even went with Davis to the Taneyhill trade show this month.   That was never on my list of things to do.   

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