Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Family Pictures

 There is so much work that goes into preparation for these pictures, and Magan does an awesome job.   The kids all laugh at the horrors these have been in the past...we talk about Sam's crazy smiles as a kid...Davis' dramatics at anything not going his way...Dad's fake smiles...the girls overly smiley smiles...and Magan always mentioning something that she wanted to tell the photographer...AFTER we were done.  Now that the kids are older, the smiles come a little easier, Dad has to do no more threatening of children.   And with the lack of threatening, perhaps Dad has even found a place of zen in these pictures.  In this place of zen, he writes in the third person often.   So many moments of ours have been captured on pictures, but these are the ones below that will feed into the next set of planning of frames and sizes for our living room.  

We love our mom and her endless list of chores.   We love our super busy mom, that loves to start a movie for the family at 9:30 at night.  She puts the beauty in every picture, and there would not be near the smiles without her laughter.   We do these pictures for her, but because of how much she does for each one of us.  Our little Sam has grown up and will soon move away...and these family pictures will change.   But I know that each one of them...Sam, Davis, Belle, and Ruby...will take these memories and times of togetherness with them.   And I hope I am able to see their families in pictures like this one day.   

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